2FA authentication (Two Factor Authentication) is a security measure that consists of verifying the identity or credentials of two different methods.

LabsMobile has considered this measure necessary and indispensable to prevent unauthorized access, protect credits/balance, and preserve the privacy of the information stored.

This type of authentication is optional for accounts in a trial period (without data or recharges). In any other case, any  access to the control panel (WebSMS) must be done through:

  • User's email and password.
  • Enter a OTP code (One Time Password) of 6 digits valid for one access and with a validity of 30 minutes.

The 2FA code can be sent or queried through the following communication channels:

  • Email sent to email addresses defined for notifications (My user).
  • SMS sent to the verified mobile phone of the user.
  • Google Authenticator App. It is necessary to install this app on the user's device and add the registry by scanning the QR code present in My user. More information here: How to configure Google Authenticator for 2FA access?.

We establish Email as the default channel and you can change it in the section My user.

During the authentication process, it is possible to perform a channel change to send the 2FA code (after 60 seconds) and also perform send retries (with a maximum of 5 attempts in 24h).