How to create a new account?
What to do if the mail with the account password is not received?
What information is needed to create an account?

Getting started (3)
Information for new accounts, validation process, and trial period.

Pricing and Purchase process (4)
Information about the recharge process, credit operation, message costs and billing.
What is the price of an SMS message?
How much does the LabsMobile platform cost?
Types of SMS messages
What are credits and what are they for?
How do I check my account balance?
Do I have to buy a pack for each destination country?

Account Management (5)
Description of the settings allowed by the account, notifications, alerts and features.

Products and Services (7)
Products and services offered by a LabsMobile account, such as SMS landing, contact import, database, statistics, reseller plan, among others.
To which countries is it possible to send SMS?
Text templates for recurring or frequent messages
How to schedule sendings for a specific day and time?
What is the SMSLanding service?
What are SMS Landing templates and what are the advantages?
How to create a new web landing?
How to import a database of contacts or mobile numbers?
What data of a contact can be imported or stored?
How to export contacts or databases?
Statuses of an SMS message
What are delivery confirmations?
What errors can happen when sending SMS?
What information is obtained from each click?
What are the main metrics and statistics?
How to export or download the list of sent messages?

Technical aspects (2)
Explanation of the technical aspects of the platform, API integration and information about senders, links, and emoticons in messages.

Support and help (1)
Resources to obtain support or help for the platform.

Legal (2)
Information about legal aspects to comply with privacy policies, terms, and conditions.